I keep writing. If this album doesn't come out it's because I keep writing new songs.

More productively, in a progress-towards-finished-album way, I keep writing arrangements and instrumentals where there previously were gaps in my recordings. That's good, and I have recorded a bunch of that stuff, but now I need to spend some time at my desk actually selecting takes and figuring out when it's too much. Let's talk!

MY BROTHER: i recorded glockenspiel & accordion. I need to make sure they sound nice in the mix. Glock might need to be doubled with something else. There's also a new vocal track that I must've done two months ago, I would love to not have to record vocals again if this is usable but I will have to examine it. The guitars are basically placeholders from the demo time and maybe I can record some digitally from my apartment.

INTERNET GIRL: This is just a gigantic mess right now, the drums are great and some of the keyboards are on point but everything else is sketchbook mode, where I just recorded every idea I had on every instrument I have. I will need to do new bass guitar at some point, and new vocals, and probably some more keyboards. I should probably clean up the guitars a little more, or maybe just redo them if I can clarify in my head what guitar is playing which part with which tone.

BAD JOB: Also sort of in sketchbook mode, but there's a lot of synth stuff I could do from my apartment I think.

DROP THE KNIFE: honestly basically done. I recorded some harp and castanets that need to be edited. Oh - I will need to do my own bass vocals & low woodwinds, given Circumstances.

BRANDS: This one is taking its toll on me. I'm really proud of it in a conceptual way but I think I just wish it hit harder in a dance-music sort of way. That's probably all in the mix but I can never distance myself from the idea that maybe I could either add or take something away and it would make a big difference.

EVERYTHING: This was recorded to like 80% completion years ago and I keep putting it down, and then suddenly remembering and getting excited about it. It needs new flute, sax, accordion at least. I think I have an electric guitar part written in my head too.

Let's see if I can make a dent in those.

Things I have been writing but haven't really started recording:

ASTERISK: I'm super happy with what I have so far, but I don't feel like I have a clear direction in mind. It's sort of solo piano and voice, but I also want a big dramatic drum part, and maybe some woodwinds or trombones, and I have to finish writing the coda.

GROWTH: I've wanted to write this for ages and it's basically done. I know exactly how I want it to sound but it involves some production tricks that I am not super experienced with, and that is basically scaring me away from recording it. I would need a real piano for this one too.

CRYSTALS: also started writing this ages ago and only sat down and fleshed it out recently. It feels like it has a purity to it the way few of my newer songs do, but I still have ideas in mind for how to overproduce it. I would want to get better at accordion for the chorus. This song could be a nice way to end this album, or it could go on another album. I feel like I have 4 or 5 songs that could all be album closers, I don't know which will win.

BABY DON'T WANT: I don't know if this song will ever get written. I'm super proud of the parts I have but I feel like I have rewritten the rest over and over and never gotten anywhere that I feel holds up against the good parts. It would sound great on this album, which is why I am so reluctant to give up. We'll see.